The Ghost I Used to Be

Strange shards

All relics of the path

That I have followed

To dead ends

Embed in wounds

All doors into the past

They've barred themselves

But scars have failed

Torn open far too soon

And with time

The shards transform to keys

Fit for lowest depths

Unlocked truths to reveal

Sharpened fine

The keys all sink within

My time has come

Accepting fate

Light disappears again

Fading eyes

No paths I see now

I become the ghost

The ghost I used to be

I searched throughout the void

(I chose this)

For the scraps of life I have left behind

Each one has left me knowing

(I feel nothing)

This path may never reach an end for me

And with a spectral breath

I'm begging to be freed

This burden of regret

Kindling to ignite

And a necessary end

To living in a lie

So when all fires burn cold

Leave behind a glowing husk

The ghost that I become again

Glides back into the dusk
