
Everything that possibly could go wrong

Has gone wrong from the start

You lie so much you can't keep up with what you lie

Keeping me in the dark

Lying all alone and hurting

Lessons that I wish were in the past

Are catching up with me fast

You're my Karma aren't ya

I used to be the heart breaker now I'm the breakee

What goes around comes around nobody's free from Karma

You're my Karma

I feel the pain of everyone that I made blue

A strange reverse deja vu

Every action has a kind of consequence

The universe sent me you

I'm looking for a larger meaning

(Do do do do do do ahh ahh)

Behind the little ways you break me down

(Do do do do do do)

And I'm just about enlightened out

You're my Karma aren't ya

I used to be the heart breaker now I'm the breakee

What goes around comes around nobody's free from Karma

You're my Karma

You hold my heart in your hands

(My tender heart my fragile heart)

Better make sure you understand

I'm looking for a larger meaning

Lessons that I wish were in the past

Are catching up with me fast

Cause you're my Karma

Aren't ya

Sometimes the heartbreaker becomes the breakee

What goes around comes around nobody's free

From Karma

You're my Karma

You're my Karma