(You Just Want To Be) Weird

You just wanna be weird

You're just hopin' that someone will notice you

Go ahead and be weird

'Cause we know it's just a phase you're goin' through

You're so concerned with being cool

You're so concerned with being hip

And every move is for effect

But just how strange can you get

You haven't scratched the surface yet

Go ahead and be weird

Dye your hair so it will match your purple shoes

We all know that you're weird

We read your fashion statement in the village news

And I quote

You're so concerned with the absurd

You're so concerned with being heard

And everybody things you're it

There must be somethin' that I missed

I think your sense of humor's sick

You're so concerned with being cool

You're so concerned with being hip

And every move is for effect

But just how strange can you get

You haven't scratched the surface yet

You just wanna to be weird

Teach me how to be weird

Teach me how to be weird