Clue Me In
Two cigarettes
Lying close together
Trying their best to forget
The heaving in their chest
One says I'm sorry
If I made you sad
I just wanted to kiss you
To say that i had
Nights like this
It's you I miss
Is this the effect you expected to get
So caught up and clueless
In all these conclusions
Sorry I let you down
Just being myself
Clue me in
Exercise caution but tell me again
Clue me in
Exercise caution but tell me again
Nights like this
I catch up with
This camera's eye
And you're so shy
And it's you I miss
Angled release
Smoke me down to the filter
Clue me in
Exercise caution but tell me again
Clue me in
Exercise caution but tell me again
One says I'm sorry
If I made you sad
I just wanted to break you
To say that I had