My Automobile


Hey dig it y'all, hey dig it

What you got there?

Hey remember how, when you got your car

And you take a girl out for a ride

And you take her way out in the boonies somewhere

Well, if you don't give me a kiss, I'm gonna put you out here

And I ain't gonna ride you back

Oh yeah!

Dig, dig

Hold on, hold on!

Hey, dig this tune

Bernie, I'll play this,

Doo, doo doo-doo doo

Dig it dig it, yeah, yeah

Check this out

This is what I want you to do

Right here, big lines

You don't have to walk home, my dear

(I'll get that, yeah, yeah)

You don't have to walk home, my love

(sing with me right here, right here, yeah)

If you'll be nice to me (yeah, uh-huh)

Oh, I'll be good to you

And we'll both ride home in my automobile

Wait a minute, I've got something here

Listen to this


All that I want is a little kiss (yeah go ahead and try that,see how that works)

All that I want is a teeny weeny hug (go back there)

If you'll be nice to me

Oh, I'll be good to you (mm-hmm!)

And we'll both ride home in my automobile (ha ha!)

Uh, let's try it, let's try it hillbilly


No wait, go again

All that I want is just a little kiss

(yeah I think we better do it like that, let's do it like that)

With that sound?

Yeah, with that hillbilly sound

OK, let's go and cut man, let's go and cut it right now, OK

You don't have to walk home, my dear

You don't have to walk home, my love

If you'll be nice to me

Whoa, I'll be good to you

And we'll both ride home in my automobile

All that I want is just a little kiss

All that I want is a teeny weeny hug

If you'll be nice to me

Whoa, I'll be good to you

And we'll both ride home in my automobile

Sit just a little bit closer, my dear (come on, woman)

Sit just a little bit closer, my love

If you'll be nice to me

Whoa, I'll be good to you

And we'll both ride home in my automobile

Come over here, woman!

Give me one of those big sloppy kisses!

You know I don't kiss on my first date!


No, sorry

You gonna wind up walkin'!

You would not make me walk

No kisses?

I don't want to walk home

I know you're walkin' now, you gotta go

I don't want to kiss you!

It's my automobile

What? No kisses, my dear

What? No huggin', my love

If you don't want to talk

You're a gonna have to get out and walk

And I'll ride home in my automobile

You don't want to ride in these cams

I've got four kinds of cams

I can wheel and deal and go on home, lord

In my automobile