Time Won't Wait
The rain won't stop and my brain won't start
I've been carrying on this way for a week
Well my it twists like the falling leaves
Strewn across the city streets
They said a devil you knows better than the one ya don't
Or so he'd have you think
But it all starts to look the same than me
And I feel myself starting to sink
Coz then it's good night to who I thought I was before
Yesterday seems so clear at any more
Maybe it's my pride
But I know that time won't wait for me
Just so I can decide
A siren sings it's lonesome song, holy as a hymnal hymn
And the night it blows me out and then it breaths me back in again
And all the things I've done, they pile on
I told myself I don't understand
But when push comes to shove I guess we all
Get through any way that we can
Coz then it's good night to who I thought I was before
Yesterday seems so clear at any more
Maybe it's my pride
But I know that time won't wait for me
Just so I can decide
But I know that time won't wait for me
Just so I can decide