
Greetings, spent day riding forklift

Mother says NO.

Can't I for forklift me?

Want it because I need money and

work time is my life not hers.

But what does it mean

[?] Cash [?] sweating and puking

This is just a bunch of [?]

You can try again later

Pay Me.

But of course work sucks,

so spend week in Nevada

dancing with old lady

full of nickels

full of nickels and dimes.

Makes me tired, lose myself,

lose my cash

but get REAL DRUNK.

And then when I'm drunk I go over to dealer

Bobbi from Iowa and say

"Hello Bobbi, give me something more than 21."

Nothing left back home with Forklift

Driving past boss Kramer

Age 24, Delta High Phd.

"Say Mr. Kramer, tired of work,

let me poof this forklift,

let me puff this forklift."

This I ask: that you serve as a forklift too.

Christmas, Christmas