Lyrics Pay money To my Pain

Pay money To my Pain

Wallow In Self Pity

You know a good liar will never let you know

That he knows you're full of shit

That he knows you're fucking full of shit

I'm sick of hearing that you say, fuck this world

What are you trying to say?

What are you trying to say to the world?

I will feed you anything you want

In your heaven how does it feel?

Is there anything that I can do?

Freedom from your fucking suffering

How does it feel? Tell me how does it feel?

I wanna hear from you after you've drowned

I'll tell you what the problem is about you

Wallow in self pity

Wallow in self pity

You're mindless like that fucking empty box

There's nothing inside

There's nothing inside of the box

I'm going too far away

No one can follow me, my shadow waits to die

I'm the only one in the rain

It seems never clear

I will give you what ever you want

This is the medicine got no prescription

But remember this'll be a risk to you

Someday you may find yourself

In your misery you dread the fire and death

In your misery you dread the fire and death

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

Crack head, pot head you're wasting your time

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

Crack head, pot head you're loosing your mind

I'm feeling my life slipping away

I'm going too far away

No one can follow me, my shadow waits to die

I'm the only one in the rain

It seems never clear when everything is dead around here

I'm going too far away

No one can follow me, my shadow waits to die

I'm the only one in the rain

(It) seems never clear