Lyrics Pete Townshend

Pete Townshend

Now And Then

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

In you I saw someone that I recognized

Had no idea what was in your mind

I met your eyes and I was hypnotized

I let our lives become entwined

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

I feel so badly Darlin' all the time

I have tortured you so long

But I am helpless in this pantomime

I am aware that I was wrong

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

(Can't do a thing about it)

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

(Can't do a thing about it)

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

(You can't do a thing about it)

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

You can't do a thing about it

For though you knew that I was twice your age

To make you laugh seemed youth enough

I thought we'd love and then you'd turn the page

I'd have to suffer your rebuff

And it was me who had the most to gain

Despite the fact that I now have lost

The only love that ever caused me pain

I feel like a double head was tossed

Now and the you see a soul and you fall in love

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

And you can't do a thing about it

(You can't do a thing about it)

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

(Can't do a thing about it)

Now and then you see a soul and you fall in love

You can't do a thing about it

A call on Rastus' answering machine

RUTH: Rastus? It's Ruth. Uh, I've got something to show you. Look, it's a bit complicated. I've got Ray where I want him now - I'm gonna act. I'm gonna act soon. This is gonna be big, so you better be ready, OK? Um, but before I do anything else, we need to talk about my commission.