Lyrics Polar Bear Club

Polar Bear Club

Siouxsie Jeanne

Hi Siouxsie Jeanne

The light in here is softening

It's a while before 2 am

No one will see us talking

Hi Siouxsie

I told all the gang

I can't tonight I'm working

We don't talk like this

We don't show thin skin

I'm not you but you're me

A thought not yet a woman

Or a girl, let's say girl

Forever we'll say girl

Just as soon as you can

We'll be taking movies

Last was mine so this pick's yours

Feel the serene when they close the doors

Damn I'm back where I was

These low lights can give way to flux

I just don't understand where it's coming from

Aren't I selfish and dying young?

But you're there

And it hurts