Where I Go, There I Go

When times get rough, you're my diamond in the now

Lining in the clouds

Smiling with a child

Cry to get it out

The why to stick it out

Through stress in silent sittin bouts

For being patient with this weak man

While his mind is flippin out

Just a million miles between us, venus

Yah made your eyes emblazoned sapphires for me

Like ain't a half a smile between us

The way your cheeks spring up

Sweet tongue

Hung behind meek doves

Thinking thirst through this drought aloud

The singing clouds I speak of

The mother to your mother

To my sons

Your love is thunder

Sung from Heaven

You're my sun and water, daughter of redemption

Mentioned always in my silence

My asylum in your iris

Every shade of silk I dream in

Deep secret streams that I confide in

Spring breeze greet the green leaves

United with this dry wind

Like diving into violets, gliding free, no one's an island

She's a diamond tree

Pearl limbs like nag champa

Purr grin like myrrh samba

I thank Yah with words

But burn when they're not enough

It's the psalm I'd spit to Christ twice, wife

Your tears are ice swans

My gift to life, light like

Your embrace, the grace of white fawns

Arriving dawn that I've awaited life-long, when she yawns

Right palm and arm, the softest song sung

to the farthest heights and nights when he's gone

Nothing to offer thee right, like my life in this song

A flight to leave, no night of sleep, it seems to frightfully wrong

It feels like life's a drink of soul

To hold my wife in these arms

To seek the greatest heights to seat you

And decipher these psalms

Just a million miles to dream of

Your kiss is Indian summer swings and sweet plum

To see you sleep like Spanish moss

And hear you breath sun

Dare to compare you to the clear blue and the deeps I speak from

Like kingdom come, prepared for two in moments, life, the roses she hung

Light forms through ballerina fingers

Man, she sings when it's funny

Strummed like honey harp strings

to the heartbeat of the breeze and just loves me

Fit puzzle piece

Your cheeks are peach trees in Eden sleep in sweet shade

To make the seven seas between us shrink in a blink

Where we can dream of the day

Sea sprayed, Sonoma sunrise eyes, and tiger lily lips

Witness the Tigris spilling over and over, pupil solar eclipse

Big sky iris

Divided by the cutest nose in existence

Violet misted horizons and mystic islands in the distance

Just to sit in silence

With water rippled fingertips to violin

How this mile ain't an inch to climb

Smiling your winter pines

Pygmalion hips and thighs, and a mind I'd die to hide in

Flip script to it's just a twisted trip we're sittin side by side in

Treasure of Poseidon, who can find the finest incense

Kiss the edge of prism light

Like misses life

Thistle less inset

Crimson grinning rose

Timeless, chiseled in stone

Throne silken linen

Just a million instances from home