Lyrics Rachael Sage

Rachael Sage


The thing that burns me up the mostIs how I tried to do

the right thing

I kept my magic at a distance

Cause logic has a price

The thing that haunts me like a ghost

Is how I squandered all my weakness

I let you think that I was perfect

For that I'll pay the piper

For all this vice cause I

Crossed that line, the line reserved for angels

Once you cross that line then you are lost

So best think twice before you break commandments

Cause forgiveness comes at the highest cost frost

The thing that makes me want to scream

Is how I tried in vain to fight this

I could have plunged headfirst into it

But that would have been cruel

I crocheted secrets like a blanket

I let you think that I was happy

We let life fall all around us

Like leaves upon the ground

Hardly make a sound till you

Crossed that line, the line reserved for angels

Once you cross that line then you are lost

So best think twice before you break commandments

Cause forgiveness comes at the highest cost frost

Some people think there is no time

That everything's already happened

I knew I'd fail you from the moment that I

Looked into your eyes

Still you approached me with conviction

No sense of doubt in your reflection

Harbored none of my hesitation

In spite of Fate's surprise

And so I wait for your response

I know my destiny's in your hands

I don't expect it to come easy

I know I'll get what I deserve

The only question that I have now, is

Do you think that I've been childish

Or is it part of growing wiser

To reckon with your flaws when you

Crossed that line, the line reserved for angels

Once you cross that line then you are lost

So best think twice before you break commandments

Cause forgiveness comes at the highest cost frost