Lyrics Rachael Sage

Rachael Sage


William, you are one now

and you may be wondering where i am

wasn't that i didn't love you

i do love you son

i just wanted you to grow up to be

an honest man and

the message that i'm sending out

may be too hard for you to read

but if there is a god

well then you can hear me read

through the weather

through the weather mmmhmm

william, is the sun out?

or is it raining silver buckets

where you are?

i know how that the woman and man

that you call home

are etched in stone but

you know you're always gonna be my


shooting star

and the message that i'm sending out

may be too hard for you to


but if there is a god

you can feel my hand

through the weather

through the weather mmmhmm

did you know your daddy's name was sam

and he really did love me then

but now he's gone

and i've got plans to

get along without him

when you're looking out

your window pane

and wondering why clouds have to rain

well there's something that

i can explain about them

well there were lots of tears

when we said goodbye

too many for the great big sky

to hold them all

so theyre always gonna fall

and thats the weather

william, you are one now

and you may be wondering where i've gone

wasn't that i didn't love you

i do love you son

loving you too much

to keep you with me

is the hardest thing i've ever done

and the message that i'm sending out

may be too hard for you to hear

but if god is above

well then you can feel my love

through the weather

through the weather mmmhmm