Rock Until You Drop

Don't think you can make it

Don't think you want to try

Sit back in your easy chair

And the world will pass you by

Life is what you make it

That's what people say

You've got to get it together

Make it your own way

You've gotta rock

Rock until you drop

Got to get some action

Got to rock tonight

Got to get the volume

To slay you with its might

Get into metal

That's what it's about

Come on everybody - Now lets hear you shout

You've gotta rock

Rock until you drop

So you think you're sitting pretty

But your life is passing by

Make no sign of living

It don't matter if you die

You've got to think of something

Give it all you've got

Make your life worth something

Or it'll cost the lot

You've gotta rock

Rock until you drop