Lyrics Rigor Sardonicous

Rigor Sardonicous

Apocalypsis Damnare

I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End

Be Thou Faithful unto Death

Fear ye none of these things

And I will Kill thy childers with Death

As many I love I rebuke and chasten

Ten thousand times Ten thousand

And before the throne

There was a sea of glass like unto crystal

And I look and Behold a Pale Horse,

His name that sits is Death

And Hell hath followed with Him

The Time of Death is here, no graves shall ever save

And the Smoke of Torment ascends Forever and Ever

I am the Seven Plagues of earth

Fear me all ye

Blessed are the Dead

Cast afar thy penance

Come unto Me, for I am thy Wisdom

His Name that standeth is Death

Blessed is My lasting Fortune

I am Alpha and Omega Be thou Faithful unto Death