Lyrics Rigor Sardonicous

Rigor Sardonicous

Rigor Sardonicous

Smile of the Dead

Pleasure of life's Decease

Frown unto the world

Ongoing live Disease

Stiffened tissue

Drying eyes

Victor of the Sleepless Life

Scavenged Earth

Crawling Flesh

Enter to Unsleeplessness

Vision's Cold, Death Bell tolls

Raging form of Eternal dormant

Taken from life, given to Death


Risen atop Loamy Depths

The Abysses of Unlife

Eternal Hail for lustful Death

Savior of the Divine

Falling to the Scavenged Plains

Sardonical and Grim

Calculated disarray

Discombobulate the Sign

Withered Death, falling Flesh

Servant of Unsleeplessness

Touch of Cold, Death Bell tolls

Arise atop the Buried hole

Sloughing Sloven, Raging sight

Movement of Pathy life

Stained tissue, mummified eyes

Forward to Eternal plight

Dismemberment of the living race

Sapponified Remains

Mutilated Infanticide

Gross display of game

Fearful sight the loss of life

All of whom shall fall

Decaying Corpses, Fermenting Bodies

Rigored and Cold

Skyful Blaze, Rising Low

In the Depths, Darkness grows

Lighted Shadow, Faded Light

Underworld Rise, Eternal Plight

Lavish the Earth, Rotten Decor

Life Takes, Death Gives...