Lyrics Rollins Band

Rollins Band

Black and White

I've been around

Turned around

Made to see

New eyes burning in my head

Color bends

Liar friends

New eyes seeing the black and white

Ripped away

Burned away

Strength and beauty live

In the black and white

Black and white

Can't hide bright light

Shining through the darkest night

In the black and white

new eyes

Hate lies

Sun blind

Everything to see

Sun light

Blind light

Burned hollow

Burned clean

Everything to see

Find light

In dark

Blind eyes see

All the colors lie

I'm an only man

The lies hurt my mind so I think you understand

Color driven madness was all I used to see

Lving in the black and white

Breathing in the black and white

Being what there is to be

Seeing what there is to see

Is the only thing left for me

I'm living free in the black and white

Colors lie

Try to hide

You can't hide

In the black and white