M'n Lul

Yesterday it happens again!

The proof in my shorts, that I an a real man

My cock has a life of it's own

In the middle of the store, that's where it was shown

I asked where I could find the beer

She said: Follow me it's really near

My cock heard us talk, and he woke up

First my next thing my shorts would drop

I tripped, and I felt, he started to grow

He grabbed her ass really slow

With my balls he pinned me on the floor

So I couldn't forseen that he would score

Poor little girl didn't had a chance

Insider her ass my cock did his dance

Getting bigger going in, and out

I could see his head through her mouth

He smiled at me, and laughed real loud

He's gonna cum without a doubt

Yogurt falling on the floor

Her anus was filled up with gore

Last thing I've heard; Hallway 4 is a mess