Anything or everything
Anything everything
White people decide between anything and everything
My people divide between anything and everything
Grew up in the hood between anything and everything
White people enslaved us made us just do everything
Now they just encage us divide us up and everything
We snitching on each other telling everything
Buy from other colours selling everything
That vodka was my crush but now I'm just on everything
Landlord just kicked my mother out and everything
But why the fuck my people always renting everything
'Cause we don't own anything
We don't stand for anything
And so we'll fall for anything
We wasn't born with anything
We don't control anything
And we don't own anything
And we don't learn anything
So we don't earn anything
We sell our soul for anything
We sell our soul for everything
Mom and poppa used to fall out over everything
I'm at the mall I'm spending all I got on everything
Money and the power bitches over everything
Don't make sense if I ain't living for everything
'Xcept we don't live for anything
Niggas kill for anything
We dying over everything
We killing over anything
Killing over anything
"America will always side with those whom she can direct, give orders to, and have those orders obeyed" - Minister Louis Farrakhan
"There is no police brutality" - Sheriff David A. Clark
"God bless America" - Don King, nigga