
Transparent wings flash

Salt waters lash

From eyes in a brainstorm

Go blow yer own

Horn of plenty

But please come gently

To the waterside

To dip yer toe and sink your

Sink your skinny hide

And on these eyes

A penny lies to pay my way through the storm

And guide me to the light of home

Where I sleep alone.

And on these eyes

A penny lies to pay my way through the storm

And guide me to the light of home

Where I sleep alone

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone

And on the bank where my heart sank

In clay wet from a rainstorm

I dug my own hope and I sleep

Please come quietly

To the waterside

To dig yer hole and sink your

Sink your skinny hide

On the waterside

On the waterside

And on these eyes

A penny lies to pay my way through the storm

And guide me to the light of home

Where I sleep alone.

And on these eyes

A penny lies to pay my way through the storm

And guide me to the light of home

Where I sleep alone

Sink your skinny hide

Where I sleep alone

Sink your skinny hide

Sink your skinny hide

Where I sleep alone

Sink your skinny hide

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone

On the waterside

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone

On the waterside

Where I sleep alone