Hi Pit Crew

I'ma get these cookies out of the oven, you go get the door

Don't let them burn, Michelle

I would never let them burn, I know you like 'em perfectly brown

I like 'em brown and I like my chris...ma...christmas cookies right-

Your cookies crispy

"My my chris...ma...christmas cookies"

I got you, I got you Miss Charles, I'ma get the cookies

I'ma go answer this door real quick, hold up

Ooh child, let me get over here and answer this door

I don't know who would be comin' over here on Christmas

It's not even Christmas yet, but if somebody answers the...the door- they must've known-

Open the door!

Okay! Okay...hola... Oh my God!

Hey Ru, we smell something nice, we didn't know if your was on fire... or if you were cooking cookies

Is the Pit Crew! Come over here for Christmas cookies

Hi boys! Hi Miles! Hi Bryce! Hi Jason!


Merry Christmas

You was the cold

We're so cold

My buns are freezing, we need to put them in the oven

Your what's fee- freezing?

Our buns are freezing

Your buns are freezing, well here, stand over here by the oven, Michelle and I are making Christmas cookies

Yes, they'll be done in two minutes flat