
Packaged like a rebel or a hero

Target mass appeal

To make an audience feel

He really means it

Package the illusion of persona

Careful to conceal

The fact that she's only too real

She's got to screen it

Hit you in a soft place

A melody so sweet

A strong and simple beat

That you can dance to

Watch his every move


Orchestrate illusions


Watch his every move


Hoping you'll believe

Designing to deceive

That's entertainment

He can put a target on the market

Bask in your applause

Reality withdraws

Now he believes it

The role becomes the actor

She's addicted to applause

The stage a world because

She never leaves it

Hit you in a soft place

With sentimental ease

They know the fantasies

That you romance to

Watch her every move


She can manipulate reactions


Watch her every move


Pin the donkeys on her tail

Fantasy for sale

That's entertainment...