The Big Wheel

Well, I was only a kid - didn't know enough to be afraid

Playing the game, but not the way the big boys played

Nothing to lose - maybe I had something to trade

The way the big wheel spins

Well, I was only a kid, on a holy crusade

I placed no trust in a faith that was ready-made

Take no chances on paradise delayed

So I do a slow fade

Playing for time

Don't want to wait for heaven

Looking for love

For an angel to forgive my sins

Playing with fire

Chasing something new to believe in

Looking for love

The way the big wheel spins

Well, I was only a kid, cruising around in a trance

Prisoner of fate, victim of circumstance

I was lined up for glory, but the tickets sold out in advance

The way the big wheel spins

Well, I was only a kid, gone without a backward glance

Going for broke, going for another chance

Hoping for heaven - hoping for a fine romance

If I do the right dance

Wheel goes round, landing on a twist of faith

Taking your chances you'll have the right answers

When the final judgment begins

Wheel goes round, landing on a leap of fate

Life redirected in ways unexpected

Sometimes the odd number wins

The way the big wheel spins