Monkey's Rule

I don't want this world to be like planet of the apes

who the hell put you in charge,

you only make mistakes

blow it up and tear it down

then let the apes start over?

why don't someone speak for me,

is my name fuckin rover?

don't wanna go in the forbidden zone

never knowing anything outside of your home

finally realize that's there's no escape

get your filthy, stinkin paws of me you damn dirty apes

most people I see are less human then an ape

cranking babies out, like factories of hate

I hate it when I have to wake up from my fantasy

where everybody works and pays taxes just like me

don't wanna go in the forbidden zone

never knowing anything outside of your home

finally realize that's there's no escape

get your filthy, stinkin paws of me you damn dirty apes

lock them in a cage like a monkey in a zoo

stare at me and laugh, but I am telling you the truth

lock them in a cage like a monkey in a zoo

We'll see who laughs last the day when monkeys rise to rule