
Broken thoughts which I have seen

Stemming from my childhood dreams

Haunted by surreal fears

Culled from my yesteryears.

With your last breath

You'll endure death

Never to awake

From the dreamscape.

In a world of illusion thoughts bring

Enchanted echoes around me they sing

In this world of subconscious take heed

Of the danger that R.E.M. state will bring

Wake me before I die

A death so calm when viewd from outside.

Cast unto eternal sleep

Reborn a void non entity

Remiaisce of days gone by

Beneath the flood of the moon lit sky

With your last breath

You'll endure death

Never to awake

From the dreamscape.

In a world of illusion never

Believe what seems reality

In this world of illusion always

Play the role that is not all it seems.

Wake me before I die

A death so calm when viewd from outside.

Together locked in this diligent state

Dreamweaving dreams, we both relate

An expression of my innerself

Warping your thoughts upon which I shall rape.