Lyrics Sacred Steel

Sacred Steel

Crusaders of the Metal Blade

As dawn breaks the battle begins

Anew time to fight

Again songs of metal we sing

They guide us with might

May destiny lead us to slaughter

Our righteous crusade

To slay our fiend and to conquer

The bastards will pay

Blessed by the gods

Gods of metal reign

Vengeance for the dead

A raging war insane

Into the fire

Deceivers burn in flames of hate

Feeding the pyre

Crusaders of the metal blade

Death to the liar

With sacred steel annihilate

Kill with desire

Crusaders of the metal blade

A dark fate in store for the foe

You'll pay for your lies

Feel our hatred, bringer of woe

By metal you'll die

Enslaving the young and the old

Your women fall prey

Cutting your flesh to the bone

No mercy, just pain