Lyrics Sacred Steel

Sacred Steel

Let there be steel

Rise and heed the calling - Come prepare to fight

Ride - The day is dawning - Farewell to the night

Blood and steel will conquer - Take this broken land

Soldiers marching onward - Under death's command

Hear the sound of my warning

None can stop the hell they'll bring

They shall grant no mercy - Baptize by the sword

They will slay with fury - Death their only lord

Hell unleashed upon earth

Hell unleashed upon mankind

Rise to Kill - Let there be metal - Let there be steel

Stand and kill - Let there be metal

Let there be sacred steel - To kill

Let there be metal - Let there be steel

Stand and kill - Let there be metal

Let there be sacred steel

Heaven on your mind and metal through your soul

Burning in my eyes - The last sight you behold

Hear the sound of my warning

None can stop the hell they'll bring

They shall grant no mercy - Baptize by the sword

They will slay with fury - Death their only lord

Hell unleashed upon earth

Hell unleashed upon mankind

Rise to Kill - Let there be metal - Let there be steel

Stand and kill - Let there be metal

Let there be sacred steel - To kill

Let there be metal - Let there be steel

Stand and kill - Let there be metal

Let there be sacred steel

Tonight I'll meet you there - For one last time to share

The bond we held for oh so long

Please tell our children why - Their father had to die

They sure will see I was not wrong

And when you'll see them cry - Tell them I'm here up high

And I still guide them with my love

One day they'll join me here - Beyond all pain and fear

You and me and them will be united again

No - Men don't kneel - Men stand and kill

Until their blood - Until their blood is spilled

No - Men don't kneel - men stand and kill

And so we pray - Let sacred be our steel