Lyrics Sacred Steel

Sacred Steel

Vulture Priest

Upon the throne in front of the inverted cross

You preach your gospels to the poor

Right hand of god

Self-righteous sheperd of the flock

Head of the church - Almighty whore

Temples of gold and halls of silver

Why don't you give this all away

Do what thou wilt to keep your riches

It's time to make you bastards pay

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest

You look at me and see the beast you have within

We are all children of the godless you call sin

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest

Your state was built on torture

Theft and grief and pain

On subjugation - Fear and greed

You sit on high - High lord - Commander of the sheep

A vulture preying on the weak

Temples of gold and halls of silver

Why don't you give this all away

Do what thou wilt to keep your riches

It's time to make you bastards pay

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest

You look at me and see the beast you have within

We are all children of the godless you call sin

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest

Pray for the day that mother earth will swallow him

Him and his monarchy

His trinity so grim

Monolith churches - To scare the weak

Remnants of power - Towers of sleep

You lure the masses into your net

To make them cover in the shadow of his death

Archaic evil - Behind the mask

A sect of worship - Cult of the past

Bearing the standard of codes of old

If there's a hell you'll burn for all the souls you've sold

Vulture priest

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest

Pray for the day that mother earth will swallow him

Him and his monarchy

His trinity so grim

You play god - Serve the beast

Vulture priest