Lyrics Sacred Steel

Sacred Steel

We Die Fighting

Heavy as fuck indeed - We’re metal to the bone

Scourge of you hypocrites - United we stand strong

To tell you once again - Our spite you’ll get for this

We are your hell on earth - Repay the Judas kiss

Don’t you know what waits for you

The mirror shows the final truth

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

But we die fighting

We die ! We fight and die !

But we die fighting

Your lies we shall deface - We’ll show the world you’re wrong

We’ll face you once again in battle - Come along

And if we die, we know we fought for our belief

It is now all for one - In victory or defeat !

Don’t you know what waits for you

The mirror shows the final truth

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

But we die fighting

We die ! We fight and die !

We die fighting

In death you’ll find the truth ! In death you’ll find the truth !

The end is drawing near - Our call to arms be heard

We’ll stand and fight for truth - In heaven, Hell, on earth

Our weapon : sacred steel - Now taste the bloodred sword

Crushed by the battle axes - Blessed by the lords !

Don’t you know what waits for you

The mirror shows the final truth

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

But we die fighting

We die !

We die fighting

We die ! We fight and die !

We die fighting ! We die fighting ! Die !!