I Rape You

Fawning upon you bleeding lips

In which I drink my pain

I'm boundless while I lick you up

Moulding - tasting - touching - cutting

Swallow me

Swallow me

Do I please you - do I not?

Just let me burst in you

Please let me suck your hopes

And never question why

Swallow me

Swallow me

Physically I rape you

I despise your borrowed mind

Mentally I rape you

I deny your borrowed life

I rape you

I rape you

Swallow me as I burn

Or shall I let you undermine

What I got under control

Deriving pleasure from pain

Swallow me

Swallow me

Do I please you - do I not?

Just let me burst in you

Please let me suck your hopes

And never question why

Swallow me

Swallow me

Physically I rape you

I despise your borrowed mind

Mentally I rape you

I deny your borrowed life

I rape you

I rape you