If I Were You

If I Were You

I've been told the heart is fragile at the best of times

But how much pain should we endure?

There's something to be said for suffering & compromise

But I know one thing is for sure

Just because this time you're sure you're not to blame

The answer still remains the same

If I were you I'd disregard the past,

Remember what they say

The sun will one day re-appear

If I were you I'd catch my breath

Just close the door & walk away

& watch the clouds all disappear

I know your heart is torn, for that you have my sympathy

Believe me I know how it feels

The time between each breath may seem like an eternity

But given time the heart does heal

Now, just because this time you're sure you're not to blame

The answer still remains the same

If I were you I'd show the world

You'll live to love another day

So let your smile replace the tears

If I were you I'd do my best

To hide my state of disarray

& if you need me I'll be here