Lyrics Said the Whale

Said the Whale

Curse Of The Currents

Just fifteen miles from shore

I lost the love that I had

Slipped and fell into the cold

Of the deep and the dark below

Big wave, small boat

We tipped, I froze

My hands were ice my feet were stone

I could not throw the rope

I caught her eye as she dipped down with a wave

I jumped in but I was too late

Fighting with the currents of the Georgia Strait

Fighting with the wind and the tide and the waves

I lost my love that day

I touched her fingers as she breathed out my name

She smiled at me, I watched her fade away

To the deep and the dark of the underwave

To the Currents of the Georgia Strait

And here it's been ten years to the day

And here I'll sit for a hundred years and I'll wait

Till I see her smiling face

Come shining up through the waves

On the shore, in the rain I'll wait

Till I see my love again

I pray to god, I curse my luck, I question my faith

I curse my empty hearted fate

And I curse the wind and the tide and the waves

And I curse the currents of the Georgia Strait

Where I lost my love that day

Where I lost my heart

To the curse of the currents of the Georgia Strait

It's the curse of the currents of the Georgia Strait