Lyrics Said the Whale

Said the Whale

Little Bird

Little bird came into my life

When I’d forgotten how to sing

She had a broken wing, and on the night she came to me,

She sang for me cinders from a spark

Little bird had a broken heart

She sang all night

In the morning I awoke to find

I’d grown a smolder in my heart

When it was cold and dark

Little bird came into my life when I’d lost sight of the spring,

She was the little spark

So I stoked the fire

And I held her warm by it

And we sang all night

Little bird came into my life when I’d forgotten how to sing

I had a broken wing and all the while she sang to men

A broken heart will learn the words to say

We’ll fly again someday

So I stoked the fire

And I held her warm by it

And we sang all night

Just like a window in my heart

And I sang all night