Lyrics Said the Whale

Said the Whale

My Government Heart

I am a secret government agent armed with lies

About secret government things

I have secret government documents that could knock you dead

From your regular citizen lives

And I'll break into your regular citizen homes with my government knives

I do regular citizen things, but that's where it ends

'Cause my secret government mind is a rare breed

I can't love, I can't feel or have passion but I don't mind

'Cause my secret government facts tell me

Despite what many normal citizens say

Love causes pain and pain hurts and now passion is dead

Before I became a secret agent spy

I was put on this earth with a regular life

Smiling and laughing and singing away

But I could not keep my curious mind at bay

I set out to answer a question of mine

About human heart versus rational mind

See, I thought if I planted my heart in the ground

I could grow a heart tree and spread my love around

I enlisted the help of a very close friend

And we ripped out my heart so the test could begin

And we watered my heart

And we let the sun feed it vitamins

And we waited for that sprout

And I dug up my heart and I found it was nothing but dirt

My heart had become the earth

Now I'm a secret government agent armed with a past

About regular citizen life

I can't love, I can't feel or have passion

But I don't mind, 'cause you can't break my government heart

You cannot break my secret agent heart ever again