Lyrics Said the Whale

Said the Whale

Out On The Shield

We never meant to stay here

We were here for the gold

We got stuck here for the winter

Blinded by golden dollar signs

We built some simple structures

Temporary, not permanent

But each year we dug much deeper

And each year things got more serious

Each year our hearts grew weaker

Blinded by golden dollar signs

We never meant to stay here

We were here for the gold

Put a lump of coal in my hand

Squeeze just as tight as I can

Hope for a brand new diamond

I know it's slight but it's all I can

I promise honey that when we get paid

We'll pack our things and we'll move away

A thousand miles from this frozen lake

We'll find a place where we both can stay

We'll find a city with a million people

Find an apartment where the rent is real low

We'll disappear and no one will notice

How about it Darling?

We could both live downtown

We never meant to stay here

We were here for the gold

We never meant to stay here

But we're just dumb animals with our paws in the hole, grasping gold

Now we're stuck in a small town

Out on the shield

But it lost its appeal long ago

We wake up at dawn and kiss our wives on the forehead

And we slowly make our way into the caves

Where we will forget the faces of our children and our small regrets

Like, I should have kept that lucky penny while I had the chance