Lyrics Said the Whale

Said the Whale

We Are 1980

Lean back into the wind

It's an empty cold outside

I sent you back just the smoothest rock I could find

Accompanied by just a couple of words came to mind

It's an old concept

Sending letters again

Well thought out, rehearsed and written in pen

Paperless here is a thing of the past

I'm cutting down trees and using up gas

We've got Mandarax and loveless sex

And information passing right through our skin and bones

Spot on with my content for the lesser known

In spite of all of the rules of my own

That I break up in stride

Ignoring my front, back

Ignoring my left and my right

It's my moral compass

And it's easy to find

Well thought out, intentionally left behind

It's regrettable, yes

But how could I ever sleep at night?

Knowing I had rules and knowing I had to abide

We've got Mandarax and loveless sex

And information passing right through our skin and bones

It's the information age

Of lesser consequence to the silence

The information age

Of fountain pens and real stationary

The information age

Of lesser consequence to the silence

The information age

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980

We are 1980