The Path

I am the false prophet in tribulation

I'm seeking mighty goals and reputations

I serve the prince of hell

He's not forgotten

And there so many fell

And now they're rotten

I search from town to town

To drag who I can down

Don't step in my path

I've got you in my sights

You can't escape me

I've taken all your rights

My mark will set you free

Just let me brand your hide

Assume my genocide

I stand for all to see

My mark makes you like me

Be my device, I'll quickly kindle a fire

Of wrath from my inferno

And savor the lost, who have been tricked by me

My anger rides high for those who've

Escaped me up and through the sky

Then have deprived me and

Still there are some who won't bow down to me

They serve another

A God they can not see

And keep on running from my

Raging terror to be

My satisfaction won't be fulfilled

They must fall down to me

Or I'll have them killed

Don't step in my path