Asma Allah

Raheem, Kareemun, ‘Adheem, ‘Aleemun,

Haleem, Hakeemun, Mateen

(Merciful, Generous, Incomparably Great, All-Knowing

Forbearing, Wise, Firm)

Mannaan, Rahmaanun, Fattaah, Ghaffaarun

Tawwaab, Razzaaqun, Shaheed

(Bestower of blessings, Most Compassionate, Opener, Forgiver

Accepter of Repentance, Provider, Witness)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad

Ya Muslimeen sallou ‘alayh

(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad

And upon the Family of Muhammad

O Muslims, send salutations upon him)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad

Ya Mu’mineen sallou ‘alayh

(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad

And upon the Companions of Muhammad

O believers, send salutations upon him)

Lateef, Khabeerun, Samee’, Baseerun

Jaleel, Raqeebun, Mujeeb

(Gentle, All-Aware, All-Hearing, All-Seeing

Majestic, Watchful, Responsive)

Ghafur, Shakourun, Wadud, Qayyumun

Ra’uf, Saburun, Majeed

(Forgiving, Appreciative, Loving, Self-Existing by Whom all subsist

Most Kind, Patient, Most Glorious)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad

Ya Muslimeen sallou ‘alayh

(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad

And upon the Family of Muhammad

O Muslims, send salutations upon him)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad

Ya Mu’mineen sallou ‘alayh

(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad

And upon the Companions of Muhammad

O believers, send salutations upon him)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

La Ilaaha Illahu, Al Malikul Quddoos

(God is Greater, God is Greater

There is no god but Him, the King, the Most Holy)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Rahmanu irham dha’fana

(O Most Compassionate! Have compassion on our weakness)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Ghaffaaru ighfir thunoubana

(O Forgiver! Forgive our sins)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Sattaaru ostour ‘ouyoubana

(O Concealer! Conceal our defects)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Mu’izzu a’izza ummatana

(O Bestower of honour! Bestow honour on our Ummah)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Mujeebu ajib du’aa’ana

(O Responsive One! Answer our prayers)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

Ya Lateefu oltof binaa [x3]

(O Gentle One! Show gentleness to us)

Oltof binaa

(Show gentleness to us)