
A humble slave am I of an almighty Lord.

No work is too hard for that One who’s adored.

But though I’m a beggar who cannot afford

To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord.

He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing,

just “Be”, and it is, by the might of a King.

The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring

All blessings and grace by the might of a King.

I haven’t got the force,

No strength between my sides

Why feel such remorse

when the Maker provides?

I haven’t got the force,

No strength between my sides

Why feel such remorse

when the Maker provides?

Ana ‘abdu Rabbī lahū qudratun

[A humble slave am I of an almighty Lord.]

Yahūnu bihā kullu ’amrin ‘asīr

[No work is too hard for that One who’s adored.]

Fa-’in kuntu ‘abdan ḍa‘īfa l-quwā

[But though I’m a beggar who cannot afford]

Fa-Rabbī ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr

[To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord.]

Minnī ash ‘alayā wa ana ‘abadun mamlūk

[I’m but a humble slave, what should I worry about?]

Wa-l-’ashyā’ maqaḍīya mā fi t-taḥqīqi shukūk

[All affairs are ordained, of this there is no doubt]

Rabbī nāẓir fiyā wa ana naẓarī matrūk

[My Lord sees everything, while my sight leaves much out]

Fi l-’arḥām wa l-’aḥshā’ min nuṭfa ṣawwaranī

[In the womb, He formed me from a drop]

I haven’t got the force,

No strength between my sides

Why feel such remorse

when the Maker provides?

Ana mā lī fiyāsh, ash ‘alayā minnī

[I haven’t got the force, No strength between my sides]

Aqliq mir-rizqī lāsh, wa-l-Khāliq yarzuqnī

[Why feel such remorse when the Maker provides?]

Allāhumma ṣalli ‘ala l-Muṣṭafā,

ḥabībnā Muḥammad ‘alayhi s-salām

[O Allah, send your blessings on The Chosen One

Our beloved Muhammad, Peace be upon him]