Jaaneh Jaanaan

O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old

In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment

You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;

The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty

You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!

Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You

I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You

I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take)

Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive

Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart

You are boundless light, eternal grace, I'm a sinner but You are The Most Kind

You are a signpost for the lovers' hearts

Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world

Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world

I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You

O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind