Ya Nabi

Wa ṣalli ‘ala l-Hādī, ḥabībī jaddi l-Hasanayn

Rasūlī ma’danu l-jūdi, Imāmu l-Ḥaramayn

Nabīyinā khayru man yamshī ‘ala l-qadamayn

Yā ‘āshiqīn ṣallū ‘ala sayyidi l-kawnayn

Ṣalla l-Lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihī, wa aṣḥābihi l-mayāmīn

Yā Nabī

Ṣalla l-Lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihī wa-‘ala aṣḥābihi

Lā mithluhū ’aḥadun, lā mathīla lak

Yā Rasūlī, yā Habībī, yā Malādhī, yā Bashīrī

’Anir ṭarīqī bi-jāhi Ṭāhā

’Ataytu ḥimak ’arjū riḍāk

Ṣalli ‘ala l-’Amīn

Sayyidī, Sayyidu l-’awwalīn wa-l-ākhirīn

Yā Nabī

Ṣalawātu l-Lāh

Wa Salāmu l-Lāh

Ṣalla l-Lāhu ‘alayhi


Salutations upon our Guide, the beloved, the grandfather of Hasan and Hussein

My prophet, the quintessence of generosity, the Imam (leader) of the Two Holy Mosques

Our prophet is the best of those who walk on two legs

O You who love him, send salutations upon the master of the two worlds

Salutations of God upon him, his family, and his blessed companions

O Prophet

Salutations of God be upon him, his family and auspicious companions

You have no match, no one can compare

O my prophet, O my beloved, O sanctuary, O bearer of good tidings

Enlighten my path O God, for the sake of Taha

I came to Your sanctuary, hoping for Your approval

Salutations upon The Trustworthy

My master and the master of the first and the last

O Prophet

Blessings of God

And His Peace

Be upon him