John's Song

I once met this old wise man

He invited me into his caravan

We sat down for a cup of tea

He sat down very gingerly

He said he's still got a sore back

From the time on the roof with Jack

"We were on the roof one day,

When suddenly I heard Jack say,

'Look out for that crack!'


I was lying on my back."

When I was just your age, I was already working

For a shilling a day

It was just enough to make ma say,

"Oh, Johnny you make me so proud!"

Pa would come home from work,

And say, "John, one day, you'll work with me down at the factory."

But I don't want to work in no factory

So I packed my bags and I headed for the tree.

I was only away from home for about an hour

But I was home in time for tea

I said very politely that I didn't want to work in no factory.

Pa said, "John you're a second-class citizen,

And you're never gonna get very far."

I said, "Pa, I'm gonna see the world, I'm gonna see it all.

I'm gonna be all that I can be, and more."

And then he finished his cup of tea,

Reached into his pocket and pulled out a key

He said, "You can have my old caravan, I won't be needing it anymore.

Because I've see all I wanna see, and more."