The Third War

Staring into the sky, the red glare will blind your eyes

Afraid to see the light

Your fears have spread this plight

No way to kill the power

Behold your race will die

Deathrider comes from above

No place to hide nowhere to run

Deathrider's rage is on the loose

Your neck in it's eternal noose

Our leaders have set the course, impending world war

Afraid of what's been lost

Your life the bitter cost

No prayer can stop the third war

Behold the holocaust

Deathrider comes from above

No place to hide nowhere to run

As the city burns I cannot hear your cries

Will our world end in 1999

A fifteenth century seer saw us cast

Into the black, death attack

Afraid to see the light

Your fears have spread this plight

No way to kill the power

Behold your race will die

Deathrider comes from above

No place to hide nowhere to run

Deathrider's rage is on the loose

Your neck in it's eternal noose