Lyrics Sara Groves

Sara Groves

To The Dawn

There's a light upon the mountains and the day is at the spring

When our eyes shall see the beauty and the glory of the King

Weary was our heart with waiting and the night watch seemed so long

But the hearts of men are stirring and we hail it with a song

Oh, the hearts of men are stirring

In the fading of the starlight we can see the coming morn

And the lights of men are paling in the splendors of the dawn

For the eastern skies are glowing as with lights of hidden fire

And the hearts of men are stirring with a longing and desire

Oh, the hearts of men are stirring

To the dawn, to the morning, to the end of the night

All who walk in the dark have seen a Great Light

It's the dawn, it's the morning, it's the end of the night

And the hearts of men are stirring

He is breaking down the barriers, He is casting up the way

He is calling for His people to build up the gates of day

Oh, we hear a distant music and it comes with fuller swell

It's the triumph song of Jesus, Lord Emmanuel

It's the triumph song of Jesus

To the dawn, to the morning, to the end of the night

All who walk in the dark have seen a Great Light

It's the dawn, it's the morning, it's the end of the night

And the hearts of men are stirring

There's a hush of expectation and a quiet in the air

And the breath of God is moving in the fervent breath of prayer

For the suffering, dying Jesus is the Christ upon the throne

And the hearts of men are stirring to know they're not alone

Oh, the hearts of men are stirring

To the dawn, to the morning, to the end of the night

All who walk in the dark have seen a Great Light

It's the dawn, it's the morning, it's the end of the night

And the hearts of men are stirring

To the dawn, to the morning, to the end of the night

All who walk in the dark have seen a Great Light

It's the dawn, it's the morning, it's the end of the night

And the hearts of men are stirring

And the hearts of men are stirring

And the hearts of men are stirring