Purity's Fall

Tie your rope and make it tight

You must do this sin

Do it now, you filthy man

No one will know you're gone

Inside is gone, now your mine

Make your choice, play the game

Choose a knife, choose a gun

Make it good, strike and fall

With your coward purity

Inside is gone, now your mine

I'll rip you up with your greed

Be a coward take the pills

No blood, just sleep and death

Tie your throat with a string

Make it tight and it's over

The snare is good and strong

You are alone

I'm only in your head

Do it now, do it now

Inside is gone, now your mine

I'll rip you up with your greed

Be a coward take the pills

No blood, just sleep and death

Tie your throat with a string

Make it tight and it's over

I'm the judge, I will make you beg

All purity is gone

I'm the judge I will make you beg

Now suffer