Skyline Fall

No matter where you've been, or whereever you may go

All the words once written shall come true

Scrolls from the past or cynics of today

There comes a time when all shall vanish and die

In the sky I connect with the universe beyond

Balance disrupted, implosions of fire

Watch the stars fade out

As our heaven's falling down

This world is all we know, mother of all life

Ruling with an iron will, reaching our demise

Evolution means dividing and multiplying

Man is nothing but a lifeform inside a circle

In the sky I connect with the universe beyond

Balance disrupted, implosions of fire

Watch the stars fade out

As our heaven's falling down

When Tellys was born - beginning of the end

When Tellus was born - rise and fall of man

Watch the stars fade out

As our heaven's falling down

Skyline fall - the end