Kingdom Below

Waking from a dream

In the middle of the night

Glow of the frozen moon

Gently caressing my face

Hearing voices from afar

Beginning to chant

I rise from the resting place

Only to realize my feet

The decaying ground

I look and see above me

Nothing but murky soil

Yet beneath me i see

The starless sky ablaze

As above so below

Yet everything here is twisted

A tormented netherworld

Filled with agonizing terror

Crowned with my own entrails

A morbid king i am made

Pillars rise with corpses piled

In monumental worship

Of all thet which must die

Chilling winds attempting to sing

Yet only wails emerge

Crashing at my maddening senses

Do not touch the familiar floor

Something cold and slimy

Reaching ot for me

Stench of Mala Fide

Hands pulling me underneath
