Haunted Lovers

Lost souls caught in twilight

Where our darkness never ends

Cursed to roam through an ever-lasting night

And so I leave my life in your caress

Life and death

Two and one

Hate and love

Moon and sun

On an endless quest across

All my love that is my loss

And the secrets of the rising sun

On an endless quest across

all my love that is my loss

Haunted lovers have become the ones

I know you well

We're spirits that can't dwell

There's no shelter but the bitter-sweet

Life and death

Two and one

Hate and love

Moon and sun

On an endless quest across

All my love that is my loss

And the secrets of the rising sun

On an endless quest across

All my love that is my loss

Haunted lovers have become the ones

Sometimes I blindly fall

And then you'll hear me call

Down my frenzy and my fire

Can you feel all this desire?

Life and death

Two and one

Hate and love

Moon and sun

On an endless quest across

All my love that is my loss

And the secrets of the rising sun

On an endless quest across

All my love that is my loss

Haunted lovers have become the ones