
Into the night

My long suffering friend

We'll be reborn again

Right here where everything ends

Face to the sky

A trail of smoke in the air

Pass into emptiness

New life's awaiting you there

Slave to some wretched old imagination of yesteryear

All that grows in the skulls of the living are flowers of fear

The morning red

A sun god calling you back

Down through a thousand years

White embers whistle and crack

Await the dawn with her kiss of redemption, my firebird!

You were the queen of the souls of men before there was the word

The morning new

The morning red

The fiery promise

Mad swirling smoke

Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,

Her lost disciples

And when the fire's work is done

Our time to be reborn

By pagan streams

A wind whips the leaves from the trees

And it is revealed to us

That we are dreams within dreams

Born from some wretched old imagination of yesteryear

Now all that grows in the skulls of the living are flowers of fear

The morning new

The morning red

The fiery promise

Mad swirling smoke

Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,

Her lost disciples

And when the fire's work is done

Our time to be reborn

The morning new

The morning red

The fiery promise

Mad swirling smoke

Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,

Her lost disciples

And when the fire's work is done

The phoenix now reborn