Lyrics Savage Circus

Savage Circus

Ghost story

When the clock strikes the hour

My restless soul has to rise

Unsubstantial, bare of flesh

Chained by unsacred ties

Centuries come, millenniums go

Time has no meaning

So much pain, I’m longing for peace

To find a way to redeem

All alone, I’m walking in the night

Solitude smiles at me in despite

Between the worlds of life and death

A spectre damned to exist

To make amends for my deeds of sin

Done with ferocity long ago

In another time

In another life



Immortal, punished to be

Nocturnal prison in eternity

Forever banished, banned from the day

Within these walls I have to remain

The immortal ghost

Once I walked beneath the sun

In a distant past where it all begun

Nevermore will I see her again

Enamoured by the chain


Hear my sigh

Eternal rest; let me die

Let me die

Once again the clock

Is striking the hour

Once again

I have to rise

Once again I’m walking the night

End the pain, let me die

Let me die